The Global Digital Transformation in the Energy
Sector Forum 2024
26-27-28 JUNE 2024, IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL, Amsterdam, Netherlands
About the Event
Digital Transformation in the Energy Sector Forum
Digitalisation has an impact along the entire energy value chain, ranging from generation to transport, distribution, supply and consumption. A system-wide approach and the support of EU countries to promote the cooperation between digital and energy stakeholders are needed so that the digitalisation of energy can better contribute to reach the EU’s ambitious political priorities, including the European Green Deal and making the EU fit for the digital age.
As the technological transformation from analog to digital advances, digital technologies will make energy systems more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable and sustainable over the coming decades. Technologies that can improve the way we use energy and help find solutions to decarbonise our energy systems include information and communication technologies (ICT), modern sensors, big data and artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.
Digitalisation and the extensive use of data comes with a set of challenges, and requires preserving high privacy, security, safety and ethical standards, particularly for cyber security matters. Ensuring that the ICT sector is efficient and environmentally friendly in its operation and energy consumption is also important. In addition, the development of digital solutions needs an infrastructure fit for the future, with common standards, gigabit networks and secure clouds of both current and next generations. Such an infrastructure is instrumental so that consumers can benefit from new ways to engage in the energy transition and from better services based on digital innovations and more efficient energy use, as well as energy savings.
Our Speakers


Exhibitor pack
*3 days conference 40 Min Speaking slot
*Logo on conference website hyperlinked to sponsor’s website
*Logo on all pre conference advertising from our Network to a target audience of approximately 50,000
named industry executives
*Acknowledgement in the conference brochure and in all printed/ press documents as a specific level partner (including company’s message and profile)
5999 Euro